Pretty Coupons for WooCommerce
Gracefully display interactive pictures or gifs all across your site as coupons to draw customer's eyes and drive more sales!

How would you like to...
- Increase Conversion Rates
- Increase Average Order Size
- Increase Repeat Business
- Increase Average Session Duration
- Decrease Cart Abandonment Rates
- Decrease Customer Acquisition Cost
Pretty Coupons can allow you to achieve all of these goals!
WooCommerce Coupons
WooCommerce includes built-in coupon functionality, but it does have it's limitations. It allows you to generate discount codes, but does not generate displayable coupons to be used on the site. Smart Coupons is a popular plugin that significantly extends the functionality of WooCommerce Coupons and also allows you to display coupons in the shopping cart, customer accounts, and other areas of the website.
What is Pretty Coupons?
Pretty Coupons allows you to extend your existing WooCommerce functionality with truly beautiful graphics. These graphics can have different types of interactivity with customers. Whether clicking the graphic applies the coupon to the cart, or brings the customer to a specific page, you are driving more user interaction with your page, and bringing a more pleasurable viewing experience for your customers!
Options for displaying coupons without Pretty Coupons
WooCommerce Only
If you are using WooCommerce alone right now, there are no displayable graphic or text versions of the coupons to put on the front end of your site. You can manually publish the discount codes as static content and in emails and other marketing materials.
Other plugins
The WooCommerce Marketplace has a Coupon shortcode plugin that allows a code to be published, or conditional content on coupons. There are other plugins that create a popup of sorts that are aggressive and in your face. These can be fine alternatives, but can often be over looked or cause annoyance to your customer while interacting with your website.
Smart Coupons
If you are using Smart Coupons from the WooCommerce marketplace, you can display coupons on your website using the antiquated styling provided by Smart Coupons. Smart coupons may be extremely smart, but the "graphic" generated for display is truly ugly. The problem with this is that the styling is so antiquated that it brings down the level of professionalism of your entire website. Selling on the web is much harder than selling in person or at a retail store because when selling on the web, all of your content has to do the selling. There typically is no human interaction to close the sale. For this reason, the content that you use to sell your products and services leaves the first (and often last) impression on prospective customers. Are ugly coupons really the impression that you want to lead with? For most websites the answer is no.
Using Smart Coupons, or many other plugins, you can still opt to not display the coupons on your site and instead just publish the coupon codes on your website, emails, and other marketing materials. This is fine, but you're missing out on a great opportunity to sell through visual couponing. This is due to the fact that:
- People are drawn to graphics and not text
- People like to save money and feel like they're getting a deal
Displaying With Pretty Coupons
With Pretty Coupons for WooCommerce, you now have the options to use your WooCommerce Coupons (with or without Smart Coupons and other couponing plugins) and display them on your website withvisually appealing graphics that actually enhance the aesthetics of your site and drive customer engagement. That's Pretty Coupons!
Want to keep track of your net profit as the orders are coming in? Get our WooCommerce Net Profit plugin to have additional reports!
Let your website start to do the heavy lifting
6 Reasons to use Pretty Coupons
Increase Conversion Rates
Converting a site visitor into a paying customer (conversion) is the hardest and most important function of any ecommerce site. Providing incentives to purchase through couponing and discount codes is a proven way to increase conversion rates. Making the coupons and discounts more visually appealing drives customer awareness and engagement, and ultimately increases conversion rates.
Increase Average Order Size
Customers love to get a deal and they will gladly place larger orders to do so. One of the best ways to do this is through creative offers (by 3 get one free, save 10% when you spend $100 or more, etc.) supported by couponing and discount codes. Once again, making these offers visually appealing and engaging on your site will increase usage and drive larger order sizes.
Increase Repeat Business
The first sale to a customer is typically the least profitable because of the customer acquisition cost: the money you spend on marketing and advertising to get a prospective customer to your site and convert into a sale. The real profit comes when they come back and purchase a second, third and fourth time. Repeat sales don’t have the same acquisition cost (if any at all), and they tend to be larger sales, and even higher profit. By using graphically engaging coupons and promotions, you are more likely to turn a new customer into a repeat customer.
Increase Average Session Duration
The longer someone spends on your site the more likely they are to convert (purchase). Providing more ways to engage the customer leads to more time shopping. Pretty Coupons makes your site and the shopping experience more engaging. That’s a good thing!
Decrease Cart Abandonment Rates
Once again, a customer that is getting a deal (coupons and discount codes) is more likely to convert. Increased conversion rates also decrease your cart abandonment rates. They go hand in hand.
Decrease Customer Aquisition Costs
If you ever watch Shark Tank they are always asking business owners what their customer acquisition cost is. This is a critical number because if it’s too high you’ll either go out of business or grow slower than you could and run at a lower profit margin. Knowing this number, and doing everything in your power to lower it is one of the most important factors in growing a profitable e-commerce business. Increasing your conversion rates and decreasing your cart abandonment rates will directly lower your customer acquisition cost.
For these reasons, Pretty Coupons is an obvious addition to any WooCommerce site, and at just $79 it will pay for itself in no time.
Are you ready to bring your store's interactivity to the next level?
One Site License
Five Site Licenses
Unlimited Site Licenses
License is for 12 months of support and updates
Additional Information
Is WooCommerce Net Profit compatible with WooCommerce version 3.9?
Yes! Not only that, but it is tested up to date with WordPress 5.3!
- Server has PHP 5.2 or newer
- WooCommerce 2.6+
What can be displayed as a Pretty Coupon?
Pretty Coupons utilizes the WordPress Media Library. Anything that can be saved in the Media Library, can be used to display a Coupon on the front end. It is important to note that the chosen file should have a displayable format, and a thumbnail generated is recommended. Tested file types that work: PNG, GIF, JPG, JPEG, JPEG 2000. Please let us know if you find more formats that work. You can also provide us with samples to test for you.
Is this plugin Gutenberg ready?
Yes! Pretty Coupons for WooCommerce, along with all of our other products are developed on the most up to date and pre-release WordPress and WooCommerce environments to ensure we are working with anything coming soon. We also take great care to study and help where we can with what the future of WordPress and WooCommerce hold!
What integrations are there?
- Pretty Coupons for WooCommerce was developed to work in tandem with WooCommerce Smart Coupons and is fully compatible.
- Pretty Coupons should work with any other Coupon plugins that use WooCommerce Coupons or Discounts. Please contact us if you find an issue with any other plugins compatibility.