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Getting started with Cost of Shipping

This is a lightweight plugin that has no additional settings at the moment. After installation and activation there should be nothing else to setup. Easy, huh?

This plugin can give you a lot of functionality depending on your current configuration, but no matter what, it brings a great untapped value in the majority of WooCommerce stores: welcome to the growing sect of businesses that cares about their profit margins enough to track their shipping costs!

Automated Tracking

If you are already using ShipStation for some or all of your shipping labels, through any carrier, then all of your shipping costs will be automatically grabbed and inserted into your WooCommerce orders, even when there are multiple labels and shipments on the same order. WooCommerce Cost of Shipping adds up your total shipping charged to you and stores the values so they can be used in reports elsewhere! For more on this integration, read this article.

If you are not already using ShipStation (not an affiliate link, just our preferred solution) we do recommend their platform for easy and clean shipping solutions. Find the integration plugin now hosted on the directory, previously on

A more widely used plugin, we now offer an integration with WooCommerce Services! Through WooCommerce Services, you can buy postage via USPS and ship that way. Our plugin captures that purchase and adds one, or multiple shipping label costs and applies them to the Cost of Shipping of the order! Find out more about this integration here.

We currently do not offer other integrations, but do have a list of plugins and platforms we are working on integrating with. If you would like to see an integration, please reach out using our feature request form! Otherwise…

Manually Tracking Cost of Shipping

If you are not using one of our integrated solutions, but still see what you are charged for shipping, you can still edit the cost of shipping at the order level! Once you are logged in as an administrator or a store manager and are viewing an order, you will see the Cost of Shipping field below the Order Items. Next to this field you will see en “edit” link which will make a tooltip appear that will let you input and save the cost of shipping for this order.

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